This Section contains the Player Selection, Assign Categories, Game Weights, Bonus, and Campaigns.
This Entite Menu will be available only for Real Site. For the Coin site, this Menu is going to be hidden.
Player Selection:
This section is for selecting the list of players to be assigned for a bonus to be applied while assigning the bonus to the player.

This shows a player's selection and the count of eligible players. When we click on player count, we will get a popup that lists out the list of players.

Create Player Selection:
In this section, we can create a player’s selection by uploading a CSV file and filtering to include/exclude a player.

Once we upload a list of players file, we will get the popup window.

To find out the list of players who were eligible from a profile, we need to click on the player's count.

From the managing of profiles, we can edit/delete the profile. If we edit the profile the same thing is going to be replicated while awarding the bonus to the player. If we delete the bonus the bonus can be applied to all the players as the profile is deleted.
Edit Player’s selection we can update the player's list, comments, or activity period.

Assign Categories
In this section, we can add the list of games to a group called as category where this category can be mapped to a profile for bonus wagering percentage.

We can create a new category and assign the games from the list of unassigned games.

We can add/remove games from a category until that category is not mapped to any active bonus.

Game Profiles & Weights:
In this section, we can associate a set of categories with a profile. These categories can then be utilized for configuring bonuses, with the corresponding weight requirements applied during gameplay.

When we click on plus icon, we will get the list of categories to be added to the profile.

By default, slot-type games are assigned with 100% bonus weight, and table games are with 10% bonus weight. We can add/remove games or add/remove the list of categories from a profile.
In this section, we can manage the bonuses by creating, editing, deleting, and forfeiting the bonuses.
Bonuses are of two types,
1. Manual Bonus.
2. Deposit Bonus.
each bonus type is again divided with bonus money and bonus-free rounds.

Bonuses are displayed with the filter status. So, selected filter bonuses are going to be fetched.
Bonus status is Active, Expired, and Deleted.
From this section, we manage the bonuses by adding/editing/deleting/forfeiting the bonus.
Create Manual Bonus:
While creating the manual free rounds bonus, we need to input the bonus name, and free round config which is mapped with bonus, start date, expiry date minimum no of rounds, maximum rounds, min and max wager requirement multiplier, max bet, player’s selection, casino games, max awarding to the player, and bonus conversion details.

Same with the case of Manul Bonus money without the free round config id selection.

To Edit the bonus you need to click on the pencil icon where we can change the bonus expiry date.
Delete Bonus will impact an existing bonus where the player can not use that bonus anymore.
Forfeit bonuses don't have an impact on bonuses but all the assigned bonuses that are assigned to a player are going to be forfeited and the same bonus can be re-assigned to all the eligible players.
The Deposit Bonus section is used to purchase/award the bonus by the player himself from the deposit page.
FreeRound Bonus:
This Bonus can be manual or deposit and while creating the bonus we need to select the free round which is mapped for the bonus to play the number of free spins.
This Section is used to create the free round which can be played at no cost and each spin with some spin amount which is calculated with the given formulae(Provider Specific).
Cost Per Spin = Pay Lines * CoinSize * No of Coins from CreateCampaign
Here we can manage the free rounds by adding, editing(Viewing), and deleting the profile.

Creating the free round profile includes selection of game with the number of rounds, pay lines, and coin value which is used in calculating the cost per spin value and along with these values we need to input the free round profile start, exp expiry dates.