Operators should send the error response in the following format and data:
12.1 Error Response
Example { "error": true, "code": 5000, "message": "InvalidSession", "detail": "Invalid Session", } |
12.2 Error Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
error | Bool | Indicates true or false |
code | Integer | Error Code |
message | String | Human readable error message. |
details | String | Error Details |
12.3 List of common error codes
Code | Error | Description |
5000 | InvalidSession | InvalidAccount. |
1000 | InvalidAPIKey | Invalid API Key. |
1001 | OperatorDisabled | Operator is Disabled. |
1002 | SiteDisabled | Operator site is disabled. |
1003 | TokenValidateError | Operator Session validation Error |
1004 | GameNotFound | Game Not Found. |
1005 | GameLaunchError | Game Launch Error. |
1006 | TechnicalError | Game Launch Error. |
6006 | UnknownTransaction | Unknown Transaction. |
6007 | AlreadyRefunded | Already Refunded. |
6008 | UnknownProvider | Unknown Provider. |
6009 | InvalidProvider | Invalid Provider. |
6010 | UnknowProviderMethod | Unknow Provider Method. |
6011 | InvalidAccount | Invalid Account id. |
5011 | InvalidHash | Invalid Hash. |
6001 | InsufficientBalance | Insufficient Balance |
6012 | BonusNotFound | Bonus Not Found |
6031 | BonusEngineDisabledSite | Bonus engine disabled for site. |
6031 | ApikeySiteIDMismatch | API KEY and Site ID Mismatch |
6032 | IdentityNotFound | Identity details not found. |